Friday, May 21, 2010

My first day in Ukraine!!

Well, my first day in Ukraine was very laid back. I met Sarah, who is my age, from Texas, and got arrived in Ukraine yesterday too! Bill said that she is a friend of friend of a friend....... (lol) who is visiting for 10 days. Sarah is why Oksana was not with Bill to pick me up. Oksana had to go to Keiv to pick up Sarah!

So our first day Bill, Oksana, Sarah, and I went out to eat pizza, went shopping for food and other things we needed, went by the sea, and took a tour of down town Berdaynsk. I got some pictures. We had a lot of fun getting to know each other.

Then when we got back to the youth center, Bill took Sarah and I on a tour of the building. After that we were free to do whatever. I decided I wanted to spend some time in the youth center with the kids and teens. Bill, Stepan (short for Stephan), Natasha, I played Uno. That was fun! Then it was just Bill, Stopa, I playing Skip-Bo. Stopa was nicer to me than he usually is to Bill. It was funny because Bill was teasing him about it (lol). While we were playing both card games I was trying to listen closely so that I could learn some of the numbers and colors. I practiced some of them.

And now, it is time for me to go to bed. It is 9:30pm here. I have a new exciting day ahead tomorrow!! Das vi donia (bye)!

God bless,


  1. Glad you made it safely. LOVE YOU!!!!! <3

  2. I have been praying for you. I wish I were there. Tell everyone hi from me! So glad all is going well.
