Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fun and fellowship!

Saturday was filled with fun and fellowship for most of the day. It started by having a Ukranian lunch at Bill and Oksana's house. Oh, the food was so delicious! We even had one of my favorite foods, cabbage! It was actully a pickled (with vinigar) cabbage salad. Then we, including Sarah, just sat around the table and talked for a while, and got to know each other better.

Then we came back here to the youth center for the youth party that happens every Saturday, just not always here at the youth center. It is a gathering for the youth from all the chruches to have fellowship and fun from about 3pm-7 or 8pm. Then we head upstairs to the chruch, and have a short worship and devotional time with snacks and drinks. The atmosphere of worship and the devotional was really wonderful, even though one of the only words I could understand was Jesus.

During this event I believe I made a good friend that I am sure I will need to talk to quite a bit later on when the culture shock hits. Her American name is Helen. She insisted that Sarah and I call her that, and not by her Russian name Lana (lol). She is actually studying English here at the college in Berdaynsk. She speaks English well, and of course is very fluent in Russian. I also met her friend Anna, who is also a Ukrainian.

After the event last night, Sarah and I went out with Helen and Anna to the Cafe down town. It was mine and Sarah's first night out on the town! We had a lot of fun talking and eating! I also got my first taxi, and community bus ride! I am sure I will have many more while I am here (lol).

God bless,

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