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Today was another beautiful day at the orphanage. There were more older kids today because for some of them it was their last day of school. I was the one who got the opportunity to teach the lesson and was in charge of the craft. When made the Christian symboled bracelet with the 5 colors of beads (black=sin, yellow=Son of God, red=blood of Christ, white=purity, and green=growth). The lesson of course was telling what each color represented. The kids just loved the bracelets!I was also able to get some pictures of and with the children at the orphanage today. They love to have their pictures taken, and take your camera and take pictures of the others for you! Next week I will get to see all 30 or so kids who live at the orphanage. By then all of them will be out of school.As for the my work at the youth center, I think it is getting a little easier as far as just going up and start playing games with the kids. I always have a lot of fun. I learned how to play 2 new games today. That was kind of hard since I don't understand Russian very well (lol). However, the kids tried to speek as much English they knew, then I Russian, and the rest of the time we were communicating by hand motions. It was funny. Some of the games even got a little wild! God bless,
I was told last night that I started doing what I was going to be doing for the whole time I am here on my first full day, which was last Friday. I guess playing games with the kids and teens didn't dawn on me that I was actually working for my interenship, or atleast it didn't feel that way! I guess the main reason was because I don't have to really prepare to play with them. I just need to show up and hang out with the kids and teens come. However, when you do something that you know you are called to do, and you love doing it, you don't consider it as work. :)Today was my first trip to the orphanage. Bill, Sarah, Chris, Tonya (Oksana's sister), and I went this morning from 10am- 11:30. The little kids are just adorable. The older kids were in school. Whether the little kids have ever seen you before or not, they just run to you and give you a hug, or want you to pick them up as soon as you come into their sight. I especially had fun playing in the sand box, chasing them around the yard, and playing other group games with them such as duck duck GOOSE! What was even cuter yet was the crafts they made. They made a flower out of tissue paper and a pipe cleaner. Then Sarah made them all glasses out of pipe cleaners. The boys especially, would run around the yard acting like they were the coolest kid that ever lived. :)After the orphanage, we stopped at the vegetable, fruit, and meat markets. The meat market is pretty interesting. They butcher the cow, goat, pig, or chicken (that is already de feathered) right there in front of you! It was cool though. The vegetables and fruit are all freshley picked out of people's gardens who sell these things for a living.Then after that at 3pm the I opened the youth center. For 3 hours Stopa and I made things out of the long skiny balloons (animal balloons) for the the kids that came in! At one point in time, I believe we had at least 30 kids in line for a balloon, not including those who already had one, and were playing other games. It was funny. Stepan pumped up the balloons, I tied and made the shapes the kids wanted. :) It was a lot of fun. Bill said later that usually there is not that many kids in the youth center at one time. We agreed that the kids must have went and told their friends (lol). As soon as we were out of ballons, the center hardly had any small kids in it 5 minutes later, and things settled down. What is most interesting though is that even a few of the teen guys wanted some too!Once things quited down, some of us palyed games with each other such as Skip-Bo, Dutch Blitz, and Uno. I played Jinga with Sasha. I beat him! But don't worry, he also won one game. :) Then I played ping-pong with Alex. He made me laugh so hard I couldn't even hit the ball!And now, it is time for me to relax. Tomorrow is my "day off". However, tomorrow is also a very special day for two people I know. It is both Oksana's and my dad's birthday! So happy birthday dad!Well, talk to y'all later!God bless,
Today was very refreshing and uplifting. In the service this morning, a pastor from a chruch accross town came and spoke about the Pentecost and how it relates to our Father's love. Pastor Sergey, who is the pastor of the church that we went to this morning, helped lead worship, prayer, and sang this morning's special. It was very good service. Oksana translated most of the one pastor's message for us. At the end to the service we had a time of prayer and going around and shaking hands or giving big hugs to each other. You could feel the love of God, and His presence. After that there was a time of testimony.Then at 3pm today, Bill took Sarah and I to an evangelistic service down town. Sarah and I also met up with Helen down there too. She went to the service with us. The main speaker was from Norway. He spoke in English, and Alex (the Ukrainian who came with Bill to pick me up at the airport to pick me up) was his translator. This was the first "tent" meeting I guess you could say, that I have ever been to even though it was inside a large theatre hall. There were many that went up to the front at the end to accept Christ. It was very moving moment.Then after this sevice, Bill, Sarah, Helen, and I walked down to the sea side to meet up with Oksana, and her family. While Bill, Oksana, and her family walked upto the sea side, Sarah and I stayed back to talk and pray with Helen. I believe God is going to do something great in Helen's life!I believe, after really experiencing for the first time how people from another culture worship together in there own country, that even if you do not understand the language or their methods in how things may be done, that you can still truly worship right along with them. I know that is what I want.God bless,
Saturday was filled with fun and fellowship for most of the day. It started by having a Ukranian lunch at Bill and Oksana's house. Oh, the food was so delicious! We even had one of my favorite foods, cabbage! It was actully a pickled (with vinigar) cabbage salad. Then we, including Sarah, just sat around the table and talked for a while, and got to know each other better.Then we came back here to the youth center for the youth party that happens every Saturday, just not always here at the youth center. It is a gathering for the youth from all the chruches to have fellowship and fun from about 3pm-7 or 8pm. Then we head upstairs to the chruch, and have a short worship and devotional time with snacks and drinks. The atmosphere of worship and the devotional was really wonderful, even though one of the only words I could understand was Jesus.During this event I believe I made a good friend that I am sure I will need to talk to quite a bit later on when the culture shock hits. Her American name is Helen. She insisted that Sarah and I call her that, and not by her Russian name Lana (lol). She is actually studying English here at the college in Berdaynsk. She speaks English well, and of course is very fluent in Russian. I also met her friend Anna, who is also a Ukrainian.After the event last night, Sarah and I went out with Helen and Anna to the Cafe down town. It was mine and Sarah's first night out on the town! We had a lot of fun talking and eating! I also got my first taxi, and community bus ride! I am sure I will have many more while I am here (lol).God bless,
Well, my first day in Ukraine was very laid back. I met Sarah, who is my age, from Texas, and got arrived in Ukraine yesterday too! Bill said that she is a friend of friend of a friend....... (lol) who is visiting for 10 days. Sarah is why Oksana was not with Bill to pick me up. Oksana had to go to Keiv to pick up Sarah!So our first day Bill, Oksana, Sarah, and I went out to eat pizza, went shopping for food and other things we needed, went by the sea, and took a tour of down town Berdaynsk. I got some pictures. We had a lot of fun getting to know each other.Then when we got back to the youth center, Bill took Sarah and I on a tour of the building. After that we were free to do whatever. I decided I wanted to spend some time in the youth center with the kids and teens. Bill, Stepan (short for Stephan), Natasha, I played Uno. That was fun! Then it was just Bill, Stopa, I playing Skip-Bo. Stopa was nicer to me than he usually is to Bill. It was funny because Bill was teasing him about it (lol). While we were playing both card games I was trying to listen closely so that I could learn some of the numbers and colors. I practiced some of them.And now, it is time for me to go to bed. It is 9:30pm here. I have a new exciting day ahead tomorrow!! Das vi donia (bye)!God bless,
I made it to Ukraine!! Thank you for all of your prayers for a safe travel. They were answered! The plane rides were nice and smooth. Didn't really experience any turbulance. For all three flights, I at least was at the gate I was to leave out of an 1 1/2 hours ahead of time. The flying itself was really neat. I got 2 window seats out of the 3 flights I had. Those were on the smaller planes, not the big boeing 777. However, I got the seat next to the window seat on that one.On my first two flights I sat by people who wanted to help me not get lost, and gave me even more tips about the airports we were going to be landing in. The first man's name was Glenn, and he was headed back to his home in NY. The second guy was Cory, who was headed to Greece for one of his classes to study Theodacy. He was a Christian, so we had lots of things we could talk about. He actually has family members that are retired missionaries from India, I believe. His input really helped at the Munich airport because he had gone trhough it before. So I followed him until I went through security, and it was sinch!Then on my first flight I did get to sit by someone who was German, but she was busy reading a book, and I was really tired because I hadn't really slept yet. Then the only concern I was beginning to have was the passport/immigration security check that I had to go through before I could get my luggage. I did not have the address I am staying at written down. It was in my notebook, which was in my luggage (lol). However, the guard translated for me and told the other security person that it was in my luggage, and I could go get it if he really wanted me to. Then the guy just stamped my passport and immigration paper (given to me on the plane to fill out) and told me to go.Then I met Bill, Frank and Chris (other missionaries), and Alex (Ukrainian) after I got my luggage. Then we traveled for another 2 1/2 -3 hours to Berdaynsk. So my actual travel time was, not including layovers was, 15-16 hours. With layovers, it was about 19-20 hours!We arrived in Berdaynsk about 7pm their time, and I was in bed by 7:30pm and didn't wake up until 10 this morning. The good thing is that I rested really well, and I think slept the jet lag off (lol)!God bless,
Well, to day is the big day! I will be leaving in 3 hours to head to Ft. Wayne to get on my first plane! How exciting!Part of me can't really believe that this trip is happening. The other part of me does. It has just been an amazing journey this whole last school year. Early in the fall I was struggling with the thought of going to Ukraine for 6 weeks because I work at school (KMBC) during the summer to earn money that goes directly towards my school bill. I kept saying I was only going to go for 3 weeks instead. However, I would not be able to do that unless I went with a work team or on my own. S0 I decided that I would hold off on my VIA application process with WGM unless God told me otherwise. Well, The weekend of College Acquaintance Days at school, God told me otherwise! (LOL) He specifically asked me to trust that He would not only provide the funds for my trip to Ukraine, but for me last year of college at KMBC. So I said a complete yes to Him that I would go for the full 6 weeks.Then this spring was about preparing for my trip, God preparing my heart and those who I will come in contact with, and of course- raising the funds that were needed. To cut it short and to the point, God has done exactly what He said He was going to do! He provided above and beyond for the cost of my trip, plus some that I will have left to help with my school bill! All of the financial support came from Christians and non-Christians alike, family friends, and my home church both at school and here at home who are in support of what God has called me to do- be a missionary. Thank you all again for your help! Remember, you all have become part of my ministry that I will be doing in Ukraine! Thank you for you prayers. Please pray specifically today and tomorrow for safe travel, and even witnessing opportunities.Well, talk to y'all later! I got to finish getting ready. I will probably post in a few days from now.God bless,
It is amazing how God has worked on my unsaved family member's hearts since I was home for spring break. It excites me to see that some are truly seeking the Lord to be saved.
Today God really gave me assurance and a peace that everything will go well, especially going through the airports. But most importantly He has given me the assurance that my family is in His hands.
This morning in Sunday school, our lesson was about times when God asks us to complete steps of faith, even when we don't even have an idea of what is ahead. This spoke to me directly because I have been struggling with nervousness the last few days, and have not had much of an appetite.
Then in the morning service I was anointed along with two others in my church for our ministries or new paths that we are about to begin. One was Dick Buchez, who was presented with a local ministers license. The other was Dorothy Kennel, who is moving to Mishawaka, IN to be with her daughter. Just being anointed by the Pastor Tim Miller and the church praying around me truly blessed me. I felt the presence of God, and His anointing. Even so much so that I don't really feel as nervous as I did. I had my appetite back at lunch time (LOL)!
Both the evening and morning services gave me the assurance I needed from God that everything was going to be fine. It was a true answer to my prayers last night!
I would just like to testify to the fact that God is so real to me. He is my strength, provider, comforter, encourager, and many other things!
Thanks of all of your prayers!
God bless,
I will soon be leaving to come home to finish preparing for my trip to Ukraine. I am getting more and more nervous because it will be my first time on a plane and I will be going by myself.
But despite all the nervousness, I know God will be with me because He has provided for me to go on this trip! God is so amazing! I praise Him for how He has answered prayer.
I am super excited about this trip! It is my first missions trip, time on a plane, our of the country, on a train, and lots more!
Please pray that God bless the ministry that He has prepared for me.
God bless,